Old Tea Bags

Old Tea Bags
How to Get Rid of Old Teabags and Beautify Yourself
By Diana Li
Everyone has a few old teas lying around in the kitchen cupboard that they're not going to drink. Why not use them for something else other than drinking? Here are a few of my favourite beauty uses for teabags.
By Diana Li
Everyone has a few old teas lying around in the kitchen cupboard that they're not going to drink. Why not use them for something else other than drinking? Here are a few of my favourite beauty uses for teabags.

- Excess oil? Large pores?Wet a teabag and rub it all over your face to absorb the oil. and shrink your pores. It works wonders as an astringent.
- Throw it in the Bath. If you know me, you know I love tea baths. Throw in a few different teabags to create a scrumptious tea bath blend. Bring the candles and a partner.
- Relieve Burns.Tea will help relieve pain. Put a warm teabag immediately over a minor burn for immediate relief. If you are sunburned you might want to consider a tea bath or rubbing a wet teabag over the affected areas if it isn't too large.
- Pamper Your Feet. Draw hot water into a small basin and throw a teabag in there. Then put your tired, overstressed feet into the mix. All your troubles and smelly feet will drift away.
- Clean Your Dark Leather Shoes. You can wet the teabag and clean your dirty leather shoes by wiping in a round circular motion. Remember dark shoes only, you don't want to accidentally stain your white leather shoes with black tea.

The possibilities are endless! Use your imagination! After all if you aren't going to drink these or trade with a friend you might as well put good use to them.

Old Tea Bags
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