Benefits Of Green Tea For Dieting

Benefits Of Green Tea For Dieting
Benefits of Green Tea For Dieting and Weight Loss
By Roger Ruzzier - Ezinearticles
Green tea has been used for over 4,000 years in China for medicinal purposes and as a great healthy hot drink and alternative to coffee. However, in this day and age it's also been proven by studies that it can be beneficial when dieting. Here are just some benefits of green tea for dieting and weight loss.
By Roger Ruzzier - Ezinearticles
Green tea has been used for over 4,000 years in China for medicinal purposes and as a great healthy hot drink and alternative to coffee. However, in this day and age it's also been proven by studies that it can be beneficial when dieting. Here are just some benefits of green tea for dieting and weight loss.

Increased Metabolism
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition claims that drinking it as part of your every day diet can cause a metabolic rate increase of up to 4%. A natural chemical called Epigallocatechin (EGCG) within the tea, plus a little caffeine are reasons why it can cause a metabolic increase.
Increase Metabolism = Increased Calorie Burn
Nutritional Research suggest that drinking 4 - 5 cups of per day can equal approximately 70 more calories that you burn each day. Of course the amount of caffeine that's in green tea is no where near the amount of caffeine that's in coffee, so you'll still be able to sleep at night.

Controls Appetite, Reduces Blood Sugar and Increases Good Cholesterol
The EGCG that's contained within can reduce the effectiveness of protien leptin and other properties that can increase your appetite, according to scientific research. Plus it can also lead to lower blood sugar levels which means sustained energy through out the day.
The University of Pennsylvania conducted research suggesting that it can actually raise the your levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) which is know to use as good cholesterol.
If you're a coffee drinker I'd suggest switching to green tea. The benefits of Green Tea for Dieting when trying to lose weight are far more beneficial. Including a few cuppa's of this green super drink each day will surely help you relax and feel much better too.
The EGCG that's contained within can reduce the effectiveness of protien leptin and other properties that can increase your appetite, according to scientific research. Plus it can also lead to lower blood sugar levels which means sustained energy through out the day.
The University of Pennsylvania conducted research suggesting that it can actually raise the your levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) which is know to use as good cholesterol.
If you're a coffee drinker I'd suggest switching to green tea. The benefits of Green Tea for Dieting when trying to lose weight are far more beneficial. Including a few cuppa's of this green super drink each day will surely help you relax and feel much better too.

Benefits Of Green Tea For Dieting
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