Can Green Tea Really Make You Lost Weight

Can Green Tea Really Make You Lost Weight
Green Tea May Help You Lose Weight
By Pat Thakkar - Ezinearticles
With a sudden increase in obesity in the United States, people are becoming more conscious about their eating habits. You may find people at the supermarket checking out the ingredients and calories on the back of a product before purchasing it. With little effort, you can make a huge difference in your daily calorie intake.

Junk food and fast food are two of the prime culprits said to have caused obesity in the U.S. More and more fast food companies are trying to lower the number of calories in the foods that they already serve; as well as add new items targeted towards their calorie and diet-conscious customers.

Tea is one of such items, which is not only served at restaurants these days, but is also sold at grocery stores and online. Green tea can be purchased as loose leaf, in tea-bag form, or as a bottled iced drink.

A lot of research has been carried out to prove the effects of green tea on weight loss. If you look back at many popular diet medications, you will find green tea extract as one of the ingredients. Drinking green tea helps with weight loss without having any of the side affects diet pills can have.

What customers must keep in mind is that tea cannot help you lose "15-20 pounds in a week." That is simply impossible, and is only a line marketers like to use in order to promote their products. Unlike many of those products, tea is scientifically proven to help burn calories and block fat absorption in the body.

Can Green Tea Really Make You Lost Weight
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