Tea Party Cakes

Tea Party Cakes
How to Make Tea Party Cupcakes
If you think that cupcakes are only served at children's birthday parties, then think again. Gone are those days. Cupcakes have started showing up everywhere, be it at any tea party, or weddings as well as these little cupcakes have already taken an important place in the dessert menus of various restaurants too.

Almost all of us love to spend time with all our kith and kin once in a while and what can be a better option than organizing a tea party. But the thing that troubles us a lot, every time is the dishes which need to be prepared for guests. If this is the reason you too are anxious, then it is time to put a full stop to your worries. Cupcakes can really serve you great in this purpose. These small muffins are excellent as starters or snacks. Are you now thinking about budget? No need, here are some tips which will make you understand how to make cupcakes with affordable ingredients. Moreover you can experiment with the garnishing and designing part too. A bit of innovation will make these cupcakes yummy and will make you popular among your friends' groups. So, it is worth a try.

In tea parties, mostly small cupcakes with various frosty cream fillings are preferable. The muffin serves as the base, and the cream is either filled on the top, or it is filled in the centre by making a well in the centre of the cupcake using a spoon. Generally muffins are vanilla or chocolate flavored. You can bring a different taste also by adding lemon or strawberry extracts. But the basic step remains same. Mixing all purpose flour and vegetable oil along with eggs, granulated white sugar, a pinch of salt and baking soda and beating them until it becomes fluffy will make the batter ready. Now brush the muffin cups with oil and place them in a preheated oven. Pour this batter in these cups for baking. According to your choice, use unsweetened cocoa, or vanilla extract or even zest of a lemon. Now, I hope you have learned how to make cupcakes without the cream filling.

Chocolate or vanilla creams are common. Let us try something new. Why not lavender cream? Add sugar to water and over the flame stir the liquid until the former gets completely dissolved and then mix 1 tablespoon of lavender flowers to it and continue stirring. Once done, allow it to cool and then beat whipped heavy cream into it. When firm peaks start forming, refrigerate the cream. If you choose chocolate ganache, here is the tip. Pour heated thick cream on bittersweet chocolate and stir after adding butter and powdered sugar. Once the mixture is smooth, allow it to cool.

Add any of these creams on the muffins, and the cupcakes are ready to serve. You can also refrigerate it to server as frosty cream filled cupcakes. So, now once you get to know how to make cupcakes, you can garnish these cakes with cherries, or chocolate crumbs according to your wish.

Tea Party Cakes
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