Green Tea Fat Burner

Green Tea Fat Burner
Green tea is made from the Camellia Sinensis plant, the leaves of which have undergone controlled oxidation. It originates in China and is a popular drink in many Asian and Middle Eastern countries. In recent years, it has become popular in the West and has gained favour over the traditional leaf tea. A lot of the success of green tea could be attributed to the fact that in recent years, people have become more health-conscious. And even though obesity is more common than ever, we are more weight conscious than ever. Billions are spent on weight-loss products every year, whether it's a dieting system or a new supplement that promises to enhance the weight loss process.
And it has a good track record as a popular health food and also as a weight loss aid. Studies have shown that regular drinkers of green tea are at a lower risk of getting heart disease, and also are less likely to develop some forms of cancer.

Its value as a weight loss aid is probably due to the fact that it speeds up metabolism, and also that it stimulates the oxidation of fat. So green tea's reputation as a fat burner is not without foundation.

Studies carried out on animals have also indicated that it can reduce cholesterol and that it can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, kidney stones and dental cavities. As well as containing ascorbic acid ( a source of vitamin C), it has some beneficial minerals such as chromium, manganese, selenium and zinc.

Green Tea Fat Burner
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