Teapot Dome
Teapot Dome
Who Are You Going to Blame Now?
By Jim Vann - Ezinearticles
Pretty soon George W. Bush and Dick Cheney will be returning to the ranches for a well-deserved rest. They must be exhausted after eight years of doing everything wrong. A lot of ignorant people (we'll call them "the media") have decided that the soon-to-be-exiled administration is the worst in the history of the country.
Wow! The Bush administration is worse than the corrupt Harding administration? Remember "Teapot Dome? Of course the media doesn't remember it. Teapot Dome had nothing to do with Brangelina.
By Jim Vann - Ezinearticles
Pretty soon George W. Bush and Dick Cheney will be returning to the ranches for a well-deserved rest. They must be exhausted after eight years of doing everything wrong. A lot of ignorant people (we'll call them "the media") have decided that the soon-to-be-exiled administration is the worst in the history of the country.
Wow! The Bush administration is worse than the corrupt Harding administration? Remember "Teapot Dome? Of course the media doesn't remember it. Teapot Dome had nothing to do with Brangelina.
How about U. S. Grant? His middle initial could have stood for "scandal." Great general, but a pretty bad president. Maybe, if the media would go to the library and get past the "People" Magazines they would be a little less likely to say these silly things.
Harry Truman was so unpopular after he won the war that the sainted FDR got us into that he almost had to hitchhike back to Missouri. His reputation has improved quite a bit since the short-sighted (or possibly, on-the-take) journalists of his day have passed from the scene. I will boldly predict that fifty years hence, we will have a similar respect for the semi-literate (pay no attention to that Harvard MBA) GW and Dick "Darth Vader" Cheney.
When one contemplates the end of the current administration, one must look back on the horrors of 9/11. You do remember that September morning, don't you? Do you remember the promise President Bush made that the perpetrators would pay and that the country would be kept safe. I have one question. When the next attack occurs because we are too civilized to effectively interrogate terrorists , who are you going to blame?
Hurricane Katrina was a tragedy of gargantuan proportions. There was a lot of blame to go around, but it all fell at the feet of the president. Not the corrupt and arrogant city government, the Governor with her head in the sand, the people who built a city in harm's way below sea-level or even some of the citizens themselves who were simply to brainwashed or stupid to leave when they were warned to do so. The next time Mother Nature flexes her muscle, who are you going to blame?
Then there is the collapse of the house of cards that we call the economy. The next time it goes bad because you can't fix the real economy by throwing worthless money at it, who are you going to blame?
Hurricane Katrina was a tragedy of gargantuan proportions. There was a lot of blame to go around, but it all fell at the feet of the president. Not the corrupt and arrogant city government, the Governor with her head in the sand, the people who built a city in harm's way below sea-level or even some of the citizens themselves who were simply to brainwashed or stupid to leave when they were warned to do so. The next time Mother Nature flexes her muscle, who are you going to blame?
Then there is the collapse of the house of cards that we call the economy. The next time it goes bad because you can't fix the real economy by throwing worthless money at it, who are you going to blame?
The scourge of racism is not going away any time soon. Certainly racist policies like welfare, EEO, and Affirmative Action are not the answers, no matter how many "racial leaders" tell us that a few more dollars flowing from the "haves" to the "have nots" will do it. When this stain is not removed by electing a black president, who are you going to blame?
As with all true Americans, I wish the new president well. It is in all of our best interests for him to do well. But, we must define "doing well" in terms of the country as a whole, and not the fragments that hyphenate what kind of Americans they are and then look for someone to blame when their silly little microcosm doesn't do better than somebody else's silly little microcosm.
For the past eight years it has been easy to blame President Bush. He is the guy at the top, and there is no danger of the national media doing any fact-checking. But, there's a new sheriff in town and one must ask the question, who are you going to blame, now?
As with all true Americans, I wish the new president well. It is in all of our best interests for him to do well. But, we must define "doing well" in terms of the country as a whole, and not the fragments that hyphenate what kind of Americans they are and then look for someone to blame when their silly little microcosm doesn't do better than somebody else's silly little microcosm.
For the past eight years it has been easy to blame President Bush. He is the guy at the top, and there is no danger of the national media doing any fact-checking. But, there's a new sheriff in town and one must ask the question, who are you going to blame, now?
Teapot Dome
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